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Thursday, March 3, 2016

Electronic Gadgets

The electronic devices have become an element of life. However like everything else in this world, there's sides to having electronic devices. I am a usual house spouse. I keep in mind that day when my husband came back home very happy. Apparently he had got a giant refund for filing income tax return on time. & as expected my first reaction was: let's receive a washing machine. I actually was on cloud nine at the time when my first washing machine was delivered to my doorstep. I must confess here that I absolutely detest washing clothes with my hands.

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After this first giant purchase, I have surrounded myself with lots of useful electronic devices. Over the years the newer models have replaced the older ones. I actually made an excuse every time a newer model was made obtainable in the market that it would work better. The list of electronic items is limitless such as: toaster, refrigerator, dishwasher, air conditioner, geyser, room heater, vacuum cleaners, griller & microwave. No home of the modern period is complete without these things.

Net & television have made the world smaller & brought it together. They have all become citizens of a giant global village. Laptops & computers have become an integral part of commercial lives at every level. The business houses, banks, railways, post offices & corporate houses are very  dependent on computers. The same work which used to take hours to complete is being done with a click of the mouse. You can also over your office where ever you require if your partner doesn't have any objections.

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The electronic items are not regarded as luxuries any more. They are useful in making our lives simple. In older days it was thought about all right when the lady of the house stayed back at home & looked after the home. However, most females nowadays work to earn a living. They require to balance HOME AND WORK. Because of this the devices are home maker's best friends. The electronic devices have brought entertainment right in to the living rooms. Nowadays they can see the full solar eclipse happening in India by sitting in our couch here in US.

You can get numerous electronic items such as iPods, Cell rings & digital cameras & list goes on. The modern expertise has made life comfortable; possibly comfortable. This is why it is a tiny little bit of a worry for me. Don't get me wrong, I don't have anything against the electronic devices worried about the dependency on them. It's come to a stage that they cannot perform when they are not there. Keep in mind they are expected to serve us & not make us their slaves.

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