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Thursday, March 3, 2016

Effects of Radiation - Electronic

Each of the gadget emits some kind of radiation. So is this nice for you? For plenty of years, people were questioning if the radiation from mobile rings had any effect on humans. However, historically five years, the discussions in mainstream media appear to have died down. So has the radiation basically went away? The answer is no. It is still around, & although each tool might be emitting less radiation, they are now using more devices. Although people have stopped speaking about it, it is still a controversy. Worse of all, the specialists still cannot be sure in the event that they are nice or bad for humans.

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Look around you & count the number of electronic devices you own. Your cellphones/smart-phones, laptops, desktops, tablets, music players, televisions, hifi systems, personal wifi/mifi & plenty of more (notice the use of plural words because that is becoming the reality). You  certainly did not realise you have that plenty of. Do not worry, it is not you. Everyone has way more devices than they need.

Do a search on Google for "cellphone radiation effects on human". Look through the first few pages & you will notice that the opinion is divided. Some specialists say it causes cancer, can damage brain cells, increases human reaction time & affects sleeping patterns. However, some specialists say that a small amount of radiation can actually improve your health & thinking ability. There's also those that says that the small amount of radiation basically does not make any difference.

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They could cease using all our electronic devices from now. Alternatively, there is a specific branch of research that is looking in to ways to balance the bad radiation that humans absorb from electronic devices. Their aim is to try to emit the inverse radiation so that the total balances out. Think of it a +1 and -1 creates 0. They call the balancing radiation positive radiation & the area of research electromagnetic balancing. They do not get anything positive out of it, but at least it neutralises the negative effects of radiation, which by itself is a massive improvement.

This is leading edge research but at least there is hope. Whether you think that radiation from electronic devices is nice or bad for you, it is important that you understand the risks & take adequate measures to protect yourself. It is a actual issue that affects everyone.

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